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The word “regenerative” has become somewhat of a buzz word in current day society. There is a rousing call throughout a wide variety of systems and organizations, suggesting the regenerative living is the only way to save ourselves and save the planet. 


What exactly does it mean to be regenerative or live regeneratively? 

Regenerative means “to bring forth again”. To live regeneratively means to live in such a way that life continues to build upon itself and ‘come forth again’ and again. Regenerative practices are viewed as practices that cultivate vitality and the ability to thrive. 


At LiveLifeResources, we embrace Living Systems Theory as our foundation for the cultivation of Regenerative Well-being. We shift the perspective of health and well-being from one that focuses on separate entities and ideas to the perspective of the world and well-being as a system of relationships. Nature is self-organizing, whether as cells, bodies, ecosystems, even the universe itself. When individuals, society, and the natural world are held within this perspective, the importance of biodiversity, attention to feedback loops, and nuances of chaos and balance become critical components to the ability to “bring forth” well-being again and again. 


We promote the cultivation of Regenerative well-being through education and learning; both scholarly and experiential. 


            We offer both online and residential opportunities to participate in a learning environment that is committed to regenerative well-being. For more information classes and events, visit our class list and calendar. 


We also conduct research that is socially beneficial and relevant to the mission of cultivating regenerative well-being. 

Finally, we advocate for and steward those things necessary for regenerative wellbeing for the entire planet. 


  • To serve as a hub, gathering point, and bridge, for deep learning, meaningful research, and mindful advocacy for the establishment of regenerative well-being for the self, society, and the natural world. 

  • To establish networks promoting the healing of the sovereign soul of the world. With connection comes empathy; with empathy comes understanding; with understanding comes a sense of responsibility to all living things. 

  • To foster opportunities for the establishment of healthy relationships within the self, society, and the natural world. 

  • To facilitate harmonious exploration of the intersection of Science and the Sacred for the benefit of the living world.

  • To promote the cross-pollination of ideas, research, and theories between varied disciplines in an effort to inspire healing of the self, society, and the natural world. 

  • To blend old world wisdom with new world technology for the benefit of the well-being of the planet. 

  • To develop and support opportunities for deep learning about issues confronting humanity and the natural world and the development of collaborative solutions. 

  • To facilitate collaborative conversations that involve the cultivation of  ‘ways of living’ based on actions related to eco-centric visioning, eco-social regeneration, Biophilia, and terrestrial citizenship in order to develop sustainable and future-oriented alternatives to living.

  • To inspire creativity and artistic expression that encompasses visions of a thriving living system on our planet Earth. 

  • To provide safe harbor for the liminal soul as a place of deep connection with the soul of nature and the world.


How We Fulfill Our Vision and Mission

We Facilitate Active Learning 

We provide opportunities for deep and active learning both digitally and residentially, with the intention of cultivating awareness and action from within the self and society on behalf of the natural world. 

Transformational change happens when individuals and communities have the opportunity to gather and apply new information. Through partnerships with like-intended professionals and organizations, we provide both in-person and online forums designed to engage participants in multidimensional learning opportunities focused on the enhancement of health and well-being and the cultivation of resilience and regenerative living. 

Our courses and training opportunities are available to individuals, organizations, and institutions and can be adapted to meet institutional requirements as needed.


We Conduct Research

By conducting research grounded in human interest, behavior, and environmental reciprocity, LLR adds to the growing body of evidence-based literature concerning resilience and regenerative living. Our research includes the exploration of mechanisms that contribute to the enhancement of individual and collective quality of life and environmental well-being. 

In highlighting individual, social, and environmental processes, needs, and actions, we hope to provide nonpartisan, empirically supported data that will increase public understanding and inform local and national policymaking in the pursuit of individual, cultural, and planetary health and well-being. 

LiveLifeResources utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to non-medical research, many of our studies occur in collaboration with partner institutions. Here for more information and research overview 

We Advocate for Meaningful Collaboration

The term 'Advocate' comes from the Latin 'advocare' which can be translated as "to add a voice". At LLR we add our voices in support of the cultivation of collaborative efforts towards the establishment of healthy relationships and optimal wellbeing for the self, society, and the natural world. We support other entities, individuals, and organizations in their pursuit of establishing life-enhancing traits and characteristics for the planet and its inhabitants. Advocacy comes in all shapes and sizes. We advocate for resilience and regenerative living when we produce research and provide opportunities for active learning, but also when we provide assistance and support. 


Guiding Pillars
  1. Regeneration is an organism’s ability to regrow, be renewed, or be restored especially after being damaged.

  2. An organism’s ability to respond/recover is impacted by the relationship between internal and external influences. (Self and Environment)

  3. Homeodynamic response requires an individual/unique approach to the spectrum of stability/instability.

  4. Biodiversity and complexity are critical components of stability and vitality.

Tenets for Deep Learning
  1. Purpose and meaning are critical to perceptions of resilience and regeneration (not only am I valued by my community but I add value)

  2. An Ethical/Moral compass is a vital component of authentic sustainability

  3. The spectrum of stability to instability is homeodynamic and in continual flux

  4. Response-ability is dependent upon dynamic attention and emergent readiness in the moment.

  5. The framework of Holism is a guiding mechanism for working with the essential relationships that influence an organism's perception of resilience (material, psychological, spiritual).

  6. Adversity and/or chaos are not always destructive and can at times stimulate movement towards vitality and sustainability.

  7. Given appropriate conditions, an organism can utilize principles of self-organization to generate awareness, engage in effective response/recovery, and take transcendent action.

  8. Complexity contributes to the stability and an organism's ability to thrive.

We are grateful for your donations! They support us in the delivery of our mission to facilitate meaningful collaboration for the wellbeing of the self, society, and the natural world.
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